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Newsletter – Spring 2024

The Clean Water Program is a comprehensive plan to upgrade the aging wastewater collection and treatment system with advanced infrastructure that provides reliable services for years to come to several communities in the San Francisco Bay area, including the cities of San Mateo, Foster City, and portions of Hillsborough, Belmont, Crystal Springs County Sanitation District, and the County of San Mateo. Many of these improvements have been completed or are near completion.

The Clean Water Program has made improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, sewer collection pipes, pump stations, and has constructed a new underground flow equalization system facility to improve the capacity of the system. These improvements align with the City’s sustainability goals.

This newsletter includes updates on CWP projects that have been completed recently or are still active. Detailed information can be found on our website. 

¿Preguntas? Para información en español, haga el favor de llamar al (650) 522-7298.

Watch us build. Follow our upgraded wastewater treatment plant progress.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Clean Water Program WWTP Upgrades a Leader in Nutrient Removal

The Clean Water Program’s upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Plant continue to make great progress. In addition to replacing aging infrastructure and minimizing sewer overflows, one of the goals of the Clean Water Program is to meet current and future regulatory requirements. One specific objective to meet this goal is to remove nutrients at the wastewater treatment plant to improve the quality of water discharged to the San Francisco Bay.

Excess nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, are among the most common water pollution problems affecting water bodies in the United States. Human activities contribute high nutrient concentrations and too many fine particles to a body of water, which can lead to harmful algal blooms and biological growth, deteriorating the health of the San Francisco Bay ecosystem. To combat this, the Clean Water Program upgrades to the WWTP will include a Biological Nutrient Removal system to remove total nitrogen, total phosphorus, organic material, and various solids from wastewater through the use of microorganisms under different environmental conditions along various zones of the treatment process. Resulting water discharged to the San Francisco Bay will be much healthier for the ecosystem, reducing algal blooms and improving water clarity for aquatic species.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Control Screen Complete

As part of the Clean Water Program’s promise to the community to improve the aesthetics of the wastewater treatment plant upgrades, architectural screening has been built along the north elevation of the WWTP along 3rd Avenue. This screen blocks the public view of odor control and processing equipment associated with the WWTP and provides an artistic touch to new components of the upgraded plant.

For more information about our exciting new plant, please visit our WWTP page. You can also e-mail, or call us at (650) 727-6870.

Architectural Screen Panel

Architectural Screen Panel. Photo credit: Thomas Ruark

Underground Flow Equalization System

Initial Operations of Underground Flow Equalization System Successful

The Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES) Project is moving steadily towards completion. While some finishing touches are being made, the main system has been operational on an emergency basis since December 2023. Since then, we have experienced 4 major rain events, during which the system has temporarily held a total of approximately 8 million gallons of diluted wastewater. This is an early indication of the success of the system achieving the goal to significantly reduce the number of sewer system overflows in the San Mateo area.

The City’s contractor continues to demobilize from the site. Major traffic impacts related to the UFES project along S. Delaware Street have concluded and are nearing completion on Saratoga Drive. Minor occasional traffic inconveniences will continue as the overall project progresses through the final site finishing activities.

The City has discontinued dust and noise monitoring in the vicinity of the San Mateo County Event Center Site, another step of significant progress towards project completion. Potential violations and resulting risks from construction-related dust and noise were a concern for many residents near the site at the start of construction; however, no significant construction-related concerns were observed during the monitoring time frame.

The City anticipates that the UFES project in its entirety, including work at the San Mateo County Event Center, will conclude in Summer 2024.

We thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as we make steady progress toward the completion of our sewer system improvements.

For more detailed information about the UFES project, please visit our UFES page.  You can also e-mail, or call the UFES hotline at (650) 522-7250.

Sewer Rehabilitation Projects

In San Mateo, wastewater from homes and businesses is collected via a network of pipes, manholes, and pump stations. The City collection system includes about 240 miles of pipelines, 6,000 manholes, and 27 pump stations. This system transports wastewater to the treatment plant for treatment and eventual discharge into the San Francisco Bay. The Sewer Rehabilitation Project consists of areas divided into five basins, identified as Basins A through E, which are part of the City of San Mateo’s rehabilitation of the overall wastewater collection system.

A Basin (North Basin) Sewer Rehabilitation Project Repair Work Nearly CompleteMap of A Basin

Basin A covers the northern portion of San Mateo, including the North Central, North Shoreview, San Mateo Park, San Mateo Heights, and a portion of Baywood neighborhoods (see map). The purpose of the Basin A Sewer Rehabilitation Project is to repair and rehabilitate existing sanitary sewer pipelines and manholes. Repair work on sewer pipes and manholes began in August 2022 and is estimated to be completed in June 2024.

For more information about the Sewer Improvement Projects, please call (650) 727-6870, or email or contact CWP Project Manager Laura Webb at (650) 522-7322 or

¿Preguntas? Para información en español, haga el favor de llamar al (650) 522-7298.

E Basin (South Basin) Sewer Rehabilitation Project Construction is on ScheduleMap of E Basin

Basin E includes the southern portion of the City, west of El Camino Real. The purpose of the E Basin Sewer Rehabilitation Project is to repair and rehabilitate existing sanitary sewer pipeline and manholes. This project focuses on two types of work:

  • Gravity Sewer System – Spot and segment repairs
  • Manholes – Repairs and replacements

During this project work, our contractors will repair damaged or displaced 6-, 8-, and 10-inch-diameter sanitary sewer mains with the same size pipe at 343 locations. Work also includes rehabilitating 212 manholes with lining, repairing channels and benches, and fully removing and replacing select manholes. Common manhole rehabilitation methods include (1) replacing the frame and cover, and (2) applying cement mortar as a binding agent to the inside surfaces.

The Basin E project began construction in Fall 2023, estimated to be completed in Fall 2024. Notifications will continue to be sent to residents and businesses prior to the start of work, and the contractor will provide additional notices two to three days prior to starting work in your area.

B Basin (West Basin) Sewer Rehabilitation Construction is Ongoing

Map of B Basin

Basin B includes downtown San Mateo, and those City areas west of El Camino Real between Highway 92 and Crystal Springs Road. Basin B serves as the collection system for public and commercial centers, such as Downtown San Mateo as well as several residential neighborhoods.

Rehab construction began in April 2024 and is expected to be completed by Spring 2025. Basin B work is occurring at multiple sites within the public right-of-way (ROW) and within easements on private property, including front yards, backyards, and driveways. Prior to the start of work, easement access notifications are being mailed to residents and businesses in the affected area. The contractor will provide additional notices two to three days prior to work starting in specific areas of B Basin.

C Basin (East Basin) Sewer Video Investigations ContinueMap of C Basin

As part of the City of San Mateo Clean Water Program, crews performed Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections for the C Basin project. Crews utilized a remote-controlled camera to help the City check the condition of pipes and obtain information that enables the City to identify problem areas in the collection system.

Cleaning and CCTV inspections of approximately 40,000 linear feet of pipe in the public right-of-way, 110,000 linear feet within easements on private property, and approximately 800 manholes CCTV inspections were completed in July 2023. The design process is expected to continue through Summer 2024.

D Basin (Central Basin) Sewer Rehabilitation

Map of D Basin

D Basin covers San Mateo area south of State Route (SR) 92 and southwest of Highway 101, with a smaller portion extending to the north side of SR 92. Basin D serves as the collection system for public and commercial centers, such as the Peninsula Golf and Country Club and the San Mateo County Event Center, as well as several residential neighborhoods such as Hayward Park, Sunnybrae, Bay Meadows, Beresford Manor, San Mateo Village and Lauriedale (see map).

The D Basin Sewer Rehabilitation project includes cleaning and CCTV inspection of:

  • Approximately 121,400 linear feet of pipe in the public right-of-way
  • Approximately 84,000 linear feet in easements on private property
  • Approximately 700 manholes in the public right-of-way and 300 manholes in easements on private property

CCTV work in D Basin was completed in December 2023. Initial design work is expected to be completed in June 2024, followed by detailed design work which is expected to be completed in 2024.

For more information about the Sewer Improvement Project, please call (650) 727-6870, or email or contact CWP Project Manager Laura Webb at (650) 522-7322 or

¿Preguntas? Para información en español, haga el favor de llamar al (650) 522-7298.

El Camino Real Sewer Capacity Improvements Project Underway

El Camino Real Areas 1, 2, and 3 location map.

Construction on the El Camino Real (ECR) Sewer Capacity Improvements Project began in Spring 2024. Activity includes installation of approximately 7,800 linear feet of pipe, including new and upsized relief sewers and manhole installations. Construction will occur in three areas along, or adjacent to, El Camino Real and is anticipated to be completed in Fall 2024. Construction is already underway in these areas:

Flores Street between W. 25th Avenue and 28th Avenue (Area 1 segment)

  • Weekdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Estimated Completion: June 2024

El Camino Real between W. 38th Avenue and W. 42nd Avenue (Area 3 segment)

  • Weeknights 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM
  • Estimated Completion: July 2024

Up Next: Work on 28th Avenue is being done while students are away for the summer to minimize impacts on nearby schools.

28th Avenue and Juniper Street (Area 1 segments)

  • Weekdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Estimated start: mid-June 2024
  • Estimated completion: late August 2024

The El Camino Real Sewer Capacity Improvements Project is part of our ongoing commitment to complete our Basin 2 & 3 Sewer Capacity Improvements. We appreciate the public’s continued patience and cooperation as we make steady progress toward the completion of these improvements. Please visit El Camino Real Sewer Capacity Improvements – Clean Water Program San Mateo for complete project details or contact Makarand Pendse, Project Manager, at 925.392.3726 or

Dale Avenue Pump Station Project- Emergency Standby Generator Installation

Visualization of Dale Avenue Pump Station

Generator replacement work at the Dale Avenue Pump Staton (DAPS) began in March 2024 and is expected to last six months. The emergency standby generator installation involves site preparation, excavation, foundation piles, concrete pours, generator placement and wiring. Contractors completed cable trenching and ducting work. Upcoming piling and concrete foundation work involves using a vacuum excavator, a drilling machine for piling, concrete machinery, trucks for haulage and disposal. Generator installation will involve using a crane and wiring work.

All work will be performed within the DAPS parcel. Work will take place between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. During the generator installation, residents may experience some temporary impacts such as:

  • Parking restrictions on Norfolk Street and Patricia Ave to allow temporary parking and construction equipment access
  • One lane traffic controlled by flaggers
  • Noise impacts from construction equipment
  • Minor vibration during piling work and construction activities

Mitigation measures will remain in place to minimize the effects of the project on residents. Prior to beginning work, notifications will be distributed to potentially affected neighbors.

The purpose of the new emergency standby generator is to provide power supply to the pump station in the event of a power outage. The pump station is vital for the operation of the City’s sewer system and must remain operational 24/7. The new generator will be installed east of the existing pump station building, as shown in the image below.

For more project information, please visit our Dale Avenue Pump Station page or contact CWP Project Manager Makarand Pendse at (925) 392-3726 or

For general questions and information about the San Mateo Clean Water Program please call (650) 727-6870, or email

Delaware Street Relief Sewer Project Completed

Map of Delaware St. project

Construction of the Delaware Street Relief Sewer Project began in June 2022 and the final construction phase was completed in April 2024. The final phase of construction involved installation of manholes and interconnecting sewers at the junction of Pacific Boulevard and South Delaware Street. The work of pavement restoration and sidewalk restoration is anticipated to be completed by June 2024.

For more project information, please visit our Delaware Street Relief Sewer Project page or contact CWP Project Manager Makarand Pendse at (925) 392-3726 or

For general questions and information about the San Mateo Clean Water Program please call (650) 727-6870, or email