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Outreach & Presentations

Clean Water Program

Category Title Links Event Date Summary
CWP Updates El Camino Real Virtual Public Meeting Meeting Video09/25/2023 Clean Water Program staff hosted a virtual community meeting to update residents about the El Camino Real Sewer Capacity Improvements project, including information about upcoming construction activities, anticipated timeframes, and temporary impacts.
CWP Updates El Camino Real Virtual Public Meeting Presentation09/25/2023 Clean Water Program staff hosted a virtual community meeting to update residents about the El Camino Real Sewer Capacity Improvements project, including information about upcoming construction activities, anticipated timeframes, and temporary impacts.
CWP Updates Study Session and Public Hearing Presentation04/09/2019 The CWP staff gave a presentation on the UFES and the associated Draft Environmental Impact Report. The public had the opportunity to comment on the Draft EIR at this hearing.
CWP Updates City Council Study Session Presentation02/19/2019 The Clean Water Program staff provided a program update to City Council. As part of this update, staff shared information on the status of the collection system and WWTP design projects, schedule of construction activities, overview of the financial strategies adopted to fund the program, and mitigation efforts taken to address the current competitive market conditions.
CWP Updates Sustainability Commission Update Presentation11/09/2017 The CWP provided a general program presentation to the Sustainability Commission at its November 9 meeting. The presentation included an update about how the program incorporates sustainability efforts in the following areas: the City’s Climate Action Plan, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification, Envision system metrics, and progress on recycled water study and water reuse options.
CWP Updates Neighborhood Meetings Presentation10/12/2017 and 10/17/2017 The Clean Water Program staff held neighborhood meetings to inform residents about upcoming sewer pipeline condition assessments. These assessments are part of a pilot project intended to help determine the best approaches to sewer repairs and rehabilitation. The assessments will take place in the Marina Lagoon and southern Shoreview Parkside neighborhoods and are expected to begin in November 2017.
CWP Updates Citizens Academy Presentation09/27/2017 This presentation provided an overview of the City’s sewage collection and treatment system, as well as the purpose and goals of the Clean Water Program.
CWP Updates City Council Study Session Presentation09/18/2017 This study session provided a progress update on the wastewater treatment plant and the overall Clean Water Program.
CWP Updates Wastewater: The Basics Brochure02/2016 Wastewater: The Basics is written to help educate residents and other stakeholders about the complex process of transporting and treating wastewater, and about the different technologies proposed in the Clean Water Program.
Environmental Information Public Meetings Presentation03/22/2016, 03/23/2016, and 03/30/2016 The Clean Water Program hosted informational meetings to give an update on the Program and the Environmental Impact Report.
Environmental Information Public Meetings Meeting Video03/22/2016, 03/23/2016, and 03/30/2016 The Clean Water Program hosted informational meetings to give an update on the Program and the Environmental Impact Report.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Category Title Links Event Date Summary
WWTP Updates Virtual Public Meeting Meeting Video06/15/2021 Project leaders, consultants, and City of San Mateo staff presented the latest news on the construction of our upgraded wastewater treatment plant, part of the Clean Water Program. The presentation includes a look ahead to the next phase of pile driving that will start in July 2021.
WWTP Updates Virtual Public Meeting Presentation06/11/2020 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clean Water Program staff hosted a virtual community meeting to update residents about the next phase of the wastewater treatment plant construction.
WWTP Updates Virtual Public Meeting Meeting Video06/11/2020 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clean Water Program staff hosted a virtual community meeting to update residents about the next phase of the wastewater treatment plant construction.
WWTP Updates Neighborhood Meeting Presentation05/02/2019 Clean Water Program staff hosted a neighborhood meeting to update residents about upcoming work to upgrade and expand the wastewater treatment plant. The meeting featured a presentation and a Q&A session.
WWTP Updates City Council Meeting Presentation04/15/2019 The City Council included a public hearing on modifications to the previously approved Special Use Permit for the wastewater treatment plant. The City Council voted to approve the modifications. The City Council also approved an addendum to the Program Environmental Impact Report.
WWTP Updates Neighborhood Meeting Presentation08/21/2018 Clean Water Program staff hosted a neighborhood meeting to update residents about upcoming work to upgrade and expand the wastewater treatment plant. The meeting featured a presentation and a Q&A session.
WWTP Updates City Council Meeting Presentation07/16/2018 The City Council included a public hearing on the Special Use Permit for the wastewater treatment plant. The City Council voted to approve the Special Use Permit at this meeting. The City Council also approved an addendum to the Program Environmental Impact Report.
WWTP Updates Park & Recreation Commission Meeting Presentation06/06/2018 Clean Water Program staff presented information about the proposed use of three parcels managed by the San Mateo Parks and Recreation Department. These parcels would be used for offsite construction staging and parking areas to support upcoming construction activities related to the upgrade and expansion of the City’s wastewater treatment plant. The three parcels proposed for use are the Dale Avenue undeveloped open space, the Anchor Road passive open space, and a portion of the Anchor Road parking lot.
WWTP Updates City Council Study Session Presentation03/05/2018 The Clean Water Program staff provided a progress update on the status of the Construction Manager at Risk contract for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion Project.
WWTP Updates Park & Recreation Commission Meeting Presentation11/01/2017 This meeting presented information about the proposed use of the Dale Avenue undeveloped open space, the Anchor Road Passive Area, and a portion of the Anchor Road parking lot for temporary construction staging and parking as part of the City’s wastewater treatment plant upgrade and expansion project. The CWP requested input from the Commission and the public regarding the potential use of the parcels, community concerns, and potential mitigation measures to be considered. The meeting was for discussion purposes only, and no vote was taken. Comments received will be considered in subsequent plan revisions before the CWP returns to a future Park & Recreation Commission meeting.
WWTP Updates Public Works Commission Study Session Presentation07/12/2017 This study session provided information about proposed improvements to the City’s wastewater treatment plant.

Underground Flow Equalization System

Category Title Links Event Date Summary
UFES Updates Virtual Public Meeting Meeting Video12/21/2020 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clean Water Program staff hosted a virtual community meeting to update residents about the Underground Flow Equalization System project.
UFES Updates Virtual Public Meeting Presentation12/21/2020 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clean Water Program staff hosted a virtual community meeting to update residents about the Underground Flow Equalization System project.
UFES Updates Informational Presentation Presentation10/21/2019 At its Oct 21 meeting, the San Mateo City Council unanimously approved the adoption of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Underground Flow Equalization System, as well as the associated Special Use Permit and Site Plan and Architectural Review. CWP staff gave a brief informational presentation.
UFES Updates Informational Presentation Presentation08/27/2019 At the August 27, 2019 Planning Commission meeting, Clean Water Program staff provided an update on the UFES. The UFES project will help to reduce the risk of sewer overflows during heavy storms. The purpose of this informational presentation was to familiarize Commission members with important information about the project that has been updated since publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Report in March 2019.
UFES Updates Neighborhood Meeting Presentation05/21/2019 Clean Water Program staff hosted a neighborhood meeting to update residents about the Underground Flow Equalization System and the draft environmental impact report for this project. The meeting featured a presentation and a Q&A session.
UFES Updates Public Scoping Meeting and Informational Presentation Presentation10/02/2018 This meeting provided an update on the Underground Flow Equalization System and invited attendees to provide input on topics to consider in the Environmental Impact Report that is being prepared.
UFES Updates Informational Presentation Presentation07/17/2017 The City Council selected the San Mateo County Event Center for the location of the underground storage facility. Staff provided an informational presentation.
UFES Updates Public Works Commission Study Session Presentation07/12/2017 This study session addressed the potential mitigation measures that may be utilized for the underground storage facility project.
UFES Updates Public Works Commission Presentation Presentation06/14/2017 Updated information on results of analyses of the two alternative sites and the staff recommendations regarding site selection.
UFES Updates City Council Meeting Presentation Presentation01/17/2017 Includes additional updates on the underground wastewater storage facility selection process and the draft results for the different site alternatives.
UFES Updates City Council Meeting Presentation Meeting Video01/17/2017 Includes additional updates on the underground wastewater storage facility selection process and the draft results for the different site alternatives.
UFES Updates Public Works Commission Presentation Presentation12/14/2016 Includes the updates on the underground wastewater storage facility selection process and the draft results for the different site alternatives.
UFES Updates Public Works Commission Presentation Meeting Video12/14/2016 Includes the updates on the underground wastewater storage facility selection process and the draft results for the different site alternatives.
UFES Updates Public Works Commission Presentation Presentation10/12/2016 Public Works Commission meeting presentation on Underground Storage Facility Alternatives Process & Progress Update.
UFES Updates Community Meeting Presentation on Underground Wastewater Storage Presentation10/06/2016 Community Meeting Presentation on Underground Wastewater Storage, addressing the underground storage location alternative selection process, cost of alternatives, CEQA process, and environmental/air quality.
UFES Updates Community Meeting Presentation on Underground Wastewater Storage Presentation10/04/2016 Community Meeting Presentation on Underground Wastewater Storage, addressing the Program approaches (In-System Storage, Full Conveyance, and Complete System Replacement), underground storage location alternative selection process, and construction/traffic impacts and mitigation approaches.
UFES Updates Public Works Commission Meeting Presentation09/14/2016 Public Works Commission meeting presentation on Underground Storage Facility Alternatives Process & Progress Update.
UFES Updates Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Presentation09/07/2016 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting presentation on Underground Storage Facility Alternatives Process & Progress Update.
UFES Updates Clean Water Program Community Meetings 08/23 Presentation08/23/2016 and 08/25/2016 The Clean Water Program hosted meetings to get community input in the early stages of selecting a location for an in-system storage basin.
UFES Updates Clean Water Program Community Meetings 08/25 Presentation08/23/2016 and 08/25/2016 The Clean Water Program hosted meetings to get community input in the early stages of selecting a location for an in-system storage basin.
UFES Updates Clean Water Program Community Meetings 08/25 Meeting Video08/23/2016 and 08/25/2016 The Clean Water Program hosted meetings to get community input in the early stages of selecting a location for an in-system storage basin.
UFES Updates Clean Water Program Community Meetings Summary Report of the two Meetings08/23/2016 and 08/25/2016 The Clean Water Program hosted meetings to get community input in the early stages of selecting a location for an in-system storage basin.