Basin 2 & 3 Pipe Capacity Improvements – Pacific Boulevard Force Main Project
Project Type:
Approximate Construction Start & End Dates:
August 2021 to March 2022
Project Status:
The Pacific Boulevard Force Main project is complete.
Project Location:
Pacific Boulevard between E 41st Ave. and S Delaware St.
Project Description:
The purpose of the Pacific Boulevard Force Main Project is to improve the ability of the overall wastewater collection system to manage heavy seasonal rainfall. The project is part of the larger Basins 2 & 3 Collection System Upgrades, which will help prevent sewer overflows, as well as help the City comply with regulatory requirements. During heavy rains, the wastewater collection system capacity is overwhelmed by the amount of rainwater that enters the system through infiltration and inflow. This causes sewer overflows at locations around San Mateo, such as manholes and at the wastewater treatment plant. These overflows contaminate city streets, creeks, lagoons, beaches, and San Francisco Bay.
This Pacific Boulevard Force Main Project will construct approximately 2,850 feet of new 14-inch force main. Several construction methods, such as open-cut trenching, horizontal directional drilling, and other trenchless technologies will be used based on the current conditions of the site and will reduce potential impacts on the public. Most of the new pipelines will be in City streets, including some in high-traffic areas. Others will be in existing utility easements on private property.
Mitigation measures will be in place to minimize any noise, dust, vibration, and traffic effects of the project on residents, businesses, commuters, and others. Notifications will be sent ahead of construction to alert property owners and occupants when the work will be conducted.
Engineer Firm Name:
Constructor Name:
JMB Construction, Inc.