What’s Going on in Your Neighborhood?
We have recently updated our website’s interactive map, showing all Clean Water Program work throughout San Mateo.
Visit our home page to check out the map. You can enter your address to see work planned for or happening in your area.
Join us for a Virtual Community Meeting, June 11, 2020, 6-8 p.m.
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The City of San Mateo’s Clean Water Program is progressing to Phase 2 of the upgrade and expansion of its wastewater treatment plant on Detroit Drive. Phase 2 means eight and a half months of pile driving to secure the expanded, state-of-the-art facility, located near Seal Point Park in the Shoreview neighborhood.
The upcoming work will include heavier construction, and pile driving will result in noise. The Virtual Community Meeting on June 11, 2020 from 6-8 p.m. will provide details of the pile driving, including construction schedules and what the community can expect for noise levels.
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. with a presentation, followed by live Q&A. The meeting will be recorded, and video will be made available after the meeting. You can subscribe to receive WWTP project updates to stay informed about the construction as it progresses.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Update
The wastewater treatment plant upgrade and expansion project is the largest component of the Clean Water Program. Once upgraded, the plant will discharge high-quality treated water that meets state and federal water quality regulations. This project will be done in three phases over five years. Phase 1 began in 2019, and Phase 2 will start in June 2020.
Phase 1 Progress
Phase 1 construction is on schedule to be completed by October 2020. Several outdated facilities have been demolished and removed and shoring around the construction site is complete. Excavation for the foundation is in progress.
You can watch the construction via live camera feeds.
Phase 2 – Foundation Construction Begins this Summer
The wastewater treatment plant foundation requires a significant number of piles to support the structure, create stability during seismic events, and prevent uplift (floating) from groundwater fluctuations in the bay mud. Installation of foundation piles is will begin in June 2020. Pile driving will take place over a period of eight and a half months in two stages, with the first phase lasting six months and the second two and a half months. The CWP will provide regular updates and information via this newsletter, mailings to the WWTP neighbors, and on our website.
UFES Construction Contract Awarded; Work to begin this Summer
On May 4, 2020, San Mateo City Council awarded the contract for construction of the Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES) project to Anderson Pacific. The UFES project is a major component of the City’s Clean Water Program, which is a series of improvements to the sewer system and wastewater treatment plant.
Construction of the project is slated to begin in late summer, 2020, and will be completed in six phases over approximately three years. The first phase of construction will include site preparation; during this phase, the site will be cleared, construction trailers and equipment will be brought to the site, construction fencing will be installed, and dust control measures will be in place.
Bookmark our UFES page for update. When construction activities start, construction monitoring information will be shared through this webpage.
Progress on Laurie Meadows and Woodbridge Pump Stations
Upgrade and rehabilitation of the Woodbridge pump station in Laurie Meadows Park will increase its capacity and reduce potential sewer overflows during storms. Work along Laurie Meadows Drive from 300 feet west of Suzie Street through about 100 feet north on Woodbridge Circle (see map) began in October 2019 and is expected to be completed by fall 2020.
Work is nearly complete on the trenching and installation of the force main and gravity sewer main. Expansion work on the Woodbridge pump station and abandonment of the existing Laurie Meadows pump station is ongoing and will continue until fall 2020.
For more information, please visit the project’s webpage or contact project manager Laura Webb, 650-522-7322 or LWebb@CityofSanMateo.org.
Upcoming Basins 2 and 3 Sewer Pipe Capacity Improvements
The purpose of the Basins 2 and 3 Pipe Capacity Improvements is to enhance the ability of the overall wastewater collection system to manage heavy seasonal wastewater flows. These improvements will help prevent sewer overflows, as well as help the City comply with regulatory requirements. During heavy rains, the wastewater collection system capacity is overwhelmed by the amount of rainwater that enters the system through infiltration and inflow. This causes sewer overflows at locations around San Mateo, such as manholes and at the wastewater treatment plant. These overflows contaminate city streets, creeks, lagoons, beaches, and San Francisco Bay.
These Pipe Capacity Improvements include pipe upgrades in southern San Mateo that total approximately 16,000 feet of relief pipelines, extensions, and upsizes. The upgrades will increase capacity and improve flow management in the system, helping to reduce sewer overflows. Most of the pipeline construction will be in City streets, including some in high-traffic areas. Others will be in existing utility easements on private property. Several different methods of construction, such as open-cut trenching or trenchless technologies, will be used based on the current conditions of each site and to reduce potential impacts on the public. Design is anticipated to be finalized in late summer and construction is expected to begin at the end of 2020.
For more information, please visit the project’s webpage.
Upgrades being made to Dale Avenue Pump Station and Force Main Improvements
An upgrade to the Dale Avenue Pump Station and Force Mains is currently under construction to replace aging equipment and improve the wastewater collection system. These improvements will enable the city to better manage flows during storms, reduce sanitary sewer overflows, and meet regulatory requirements.
Construction is underway at the Dave Avenue Pump Station and repairs along the force mains are being made throughout the area.
For more information, please visit the project’s webpage.