UFES Construction Update – February 16, 2021
Shoring Installation along Saratoga Drive Next Week
Construction on the Clean Water Program’s Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES) is underway, and pipeline work along Saratoga Drive has begun. During the week of Feb. 22, the City’s contractor is planning to install shoring in locations along Saratoga Drive. Shoring is required before excavation and pipe installation. Approved hours for this segment of work along Saratoga Drive are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday, for the next 10 months. Construction schedules are subject to change.
Please note: Regular UFES Construction hours continue on the UFES site from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
During the shoring work, residents may notice some larger trucks delivering materials to the project site. While we continually strive to minimize the impacts of our work on our neighbors, you may hear some noise and feel minor vibrations if you are close to the work in the roadway.
We thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as we make steady progress towards completion of this much-needed solution for our aging sewer system.
For more information, and to subscribe to receive UFES project updates as construction progresses, please visit our UFES page. You can also email info@CleanWaterProgramSanMateo.org, or call the UFES hotline at 1-650-522-7250.
The Latest on the County of San Mateo’s Health Orders
As the County of San Mateo’s COVID-19 Health Order continues to evolve, we follow all guidelines and safety instructions to ensure your infrastructure continues to improve during this time. Increased traffic and activity at the San Mateo County Event Center is expected now through the summer. Traffic patterns are expected to change over the coming weeks and could change suddenly. Please follow all directional street-level signage.
For more information about the area traffic congestion, go to: San Mateo, CA – Official Website (cityofsanmateo.org).