UFES Project Update – March 3, 2021
Clean Water Program’s UFES Project Reaches a Significant Construction Milestone
Phase 2 construction of the Clean Water Program’s Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES) project, which included installation of the shoring system and dewatering equipment at the San Mateo County Event Center site, is complete. The work performed during this phase was completed on schedule. Successful completion of Phase 2 construction allowed the City to progress to Phase 3 construction last week.
We thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as we make steady progress towards completion of this much-needed solution for our aging sewer system.
Phase 3 of the Clean Water Program’s UFES Project is Underway!
Construction of the UFES project at the San Mateo County Event Center site progressed to Phase 3 Excavation in February 2021. During Phase 3 construction, the soil inside the shoring system will be removed, and water will be removed from inside the excavation. The upcoming work will include additional equipment, heavier construction, and increased truck traffic for hauling soil from the San Mateo County Event Center to and from Delaware Street. Approved work hours at the Event Center site are between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. The City will continue to monitor dust, noise, vibration, and groundwater levels.
Pipeline Work Along Saratoga Drive is Underway
Construction on the Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES) is underway, and pipeline work along Saratoga Drive began in February 2021. The City’s contractor is currently working to install shoring in locations along Saratoga Drive. Shoring is required before excavation and pipe installation.
During the shoring work, residents may notice some larger trucks delivering materials to the project site. While we continually strive to minimize the impacts of our work on our neighbors, you may hear some noise and feel minor vibrations if you are close to the work in the roadway.
Traffic control measures are in place. The single Eastbound lane of Saratoga Dr. is being utilized for Event Center traffic only. The single Westbound lane of Saratoga Dr. allows for through traffic to Delaware Street; however, traffic patterns are subject to change. Traffic signs are placed in specific areas to provide direction and ensure the safety of drivers. Please adhere to traffic signs.
Approved hours for this segment of work along Saratoga Drive are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Regular UFES construction hours at the Event Center site are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Construction schedules are subject to change.
Stay Connected with the UFES Project
The Clean Water Program’s UFES construction is well underway and we want to keep you informed. The team has established multiple information channels for residents and business owners to stay connected.
- Sign up for construction alerts (text the word UFES to 1-833-321-0231), email us at info@CleanWaterProgramSanMateo.org or call our hotline at 1-650-522-7250.
- You can also visit our UFES project page to see project details and sign up for our e-newsletter. If you don’t want to opt in, but still want information, bookmark the link where we post our updates to the project website.
The Latest on the County of San Mateo’s Health Orders
As the County of San Mateo’s COVID-19 Health Order continues to evolve, we follow all guidelines and safety instructions to ensure your infrastructure continues to improve during this time. Increased traffic and activity at the San Mateo County Event Center is expected now through the summer. Traffic patterns are expected to change over the coming weeks and could change suddenly. Please follow all directional street-level signage.
For more information about the area traffic congestion, go to: Event Center Traffic | San Mateo, CA – Official Website