UFES Project Update – September 4, 2024
UFES Project Substantially Complete
Our Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES) project has reached the milestone that our community has been eagerly awaiting – it is substantially complete! Remaining work is minimal and includes site cleanup, final pieces of performance equipment, removal of a temporary barrier at the new site entrance, and some minor landscape work around the project areas. The major accomplishment of the project is the 5.3-million-gallon UFES structure beneath the parking lot of the Event Center. Other than a small operations building, the entire structure and associated equipment is underground. The system operated successfully during preliminary tests during the last rainy season and is ready to minimize future sewer overflows.
We would like to extend our appreciation to our community for your continued patience and cooperation throughout the design and construction process.
Stay Connected with the UFES Project
The Clean Water Program’s UFES construction is well underway and we want to keep you informed. The team established multiple information channels for residents and business owners to stay connected.
- Sign up for construction alerts (text the word UFES to 1-833-321-0231), email us at info@CleanWaterProgramSanMateo.org or call our hotline at 1-650-522-7250.
- You can also visit our UFES project page to see project details and sign up for our e-newsletter. If you don’t want to opt in, but still want information, bookmark the link where we post our updates to the project website.