UFES Schedule Update – January 9, 2023
UFES Project Schedule for January 9, 2023 – February 6, 2023
We’re making great construction progress toward pollution prevention in San Mateo. The current rainy season reminds all of us why our 10-year, $1 billion Clean Water Program is so essential to the future of our City.
One of the most important projects in the program is our Underground Flow Equalization System (UFES).
As a follower to this newsletter, you already know that construction is underway on our UFES at the County Event Center. Once completed, our UFES will eventually be the underground 5.3-million-gallon structure that will temporarily hold excess wastewater during storms.
The following construction work is planned for the UFES project from Jan. 9, 2023 through Feb. 6, 2023. (Please note, schedules can change. We will issue this update in the first full week of every month throughout 2023):
- Inside the Event Center Site: Additional concrete pours requiring after-hours approval
- S. Delaware Street: Equipment installation and removal related to pipeline work will continue
- Saratoga Drive: Lane closures for Saratoga Drive in the vicinity of the San Mateo County Event are in place. Please watch for signs indicating traffic pattern changes.
Alerts will be sent via newsletter and text message ahead of work requiring traffic updates, work hour changes, or expected to generate excess noise at the Event Center site.
Don’t miss an alert. Sign up today for FREE text alerts here or text the word UFES to 1-833-321-0231.
For questions or concerns, please contact the UFES hotline at 1-650-522-7250 or email us at info@CleanWaterProgramSanMateo.org.
We thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. Visit our UFES page for complete project details.