UFES Work Hour Update – December 17, 2021
Off-Hours Work Approved for December 22, 2021, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Off-hours work related to the UFES project has been approved by the City of San Mateo for Dec. 22, 2021 (weather pending). Work will include pouring concrete in the excavation at the San Mateo County Event Center site. Nearby residents may experience additional truck traffic on this day before. The off-hours work is approved to begin at 6 a.m. Construction will end at 7p.m. No additional noise, dust, or vibration impacts are expected from this work. If rain delays the activities, the concrete placement will be rescheduled to another day later in the week.
We thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as we make steady progress towards the completion of our sewer system improvements.
*Construction schedules are subject to change
Stay Connected with the UFES Project
The Clean Water Program’s UFES construction is well underway and we want to keep you informed. The team established multiple information channels for residents and business owners to stay connected.
- Sign up for construction alerts (text the word UFES to 1-833-321-0231), email us at info@CleanWaterProgramSanMateo.org or call our hotline at 1-650-522-7250.
- You can also visit our UFES project page to see project details and sign up for our e-newsletter. If you don’t want to opt in, but still want information, bookmark the link where we post our updates to the project website.