WWTP Newsletter – August 9, 2023
WWTP Construction Notice: Short-Term City Use of Dale Avenue Gate Necessary in August 2023
Starting on August 21, 2023, the City’s contractors will be conducting an inspection and potential repairs on a force main that sends wastewater into our WWTP. The work blocks typical access routes to the WWTP for project staff, including the City and contractor. During the work, vehicles will need to access the WWTP through the gate located at Dale Avenue. The inspection is expected to take approximately one week.
No large trucks or heavy equipment are anticipated to require access through the Dale Avenue gate. Residents in the area can expect typical construction activity and noise during approved work hours of 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. during this time.
Depending on the results of the inspection, additional work requiring use of the Dale Avenue gate may be required at a later date. We will keep you informed of any additional need to utilize this gate.
Thank you for your patience during this important work to improve the health of our sewer system and community.
For immediate project work concerns, please contact: City of San Mateo Project Manager Tom Ruark at 925.570.1231 or truark@cityofsanmateo.org
For general questions and information, call 650.727.6870 or email info@CleanWaterProgramSanMateo.org
For more information on this project, please visit our WWTP page.
*Construction schedules and traffic patterns are subject to change