Newsletter – November 19, 2020
Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Update
Phase 2 of the upgrade and expansion of our improved wastewater treatment plant on Detroit Drive is underway. Phase 2 began in June; work in this phase is expected to occur over 18 months. In July, workers began pile driving to support the expanded facility, located near Seal Point Park in the Shoreview neighborhood. The total expected time to drive all piles is about eight and a half months. The first stage should take about six months (60 percent complete) and the second stage is expected to take two and a half months. There is a six-month inspection window between both stages.
Phase 3 activities began in October 2020 and will overlap with ongoing Phase 2 pile driving activities. Phase 3 is the last of the three construction phases and includes building the new treatment structures and an Administration Building for the facility. Phase 3 construction is anticipated to be complete in Summer 2024.
You can watch the new buildings come to life via live camera feeds on our WWTP page.
UFES Shoring System Installation Begins This Week
Construction on the Underground Flow Equalization System project will progress to Phase 2 starting the week of Nov. 16, which includes installation of the shoring system equipment, excavation, and dewatering at the San Mateo County Event Center site. The upcoming work will include additional equipment and heavier construction at and around the Event Center. Ongoing underground utility locating activities will continue. Approved work hours are between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Pipeline work along Saratoga Drive is anticipated to begin later this year. Prior to starting the pipeline work, a virtual community meeting will be held. Details will be provided once the date is set.
For more information, please visit our UFES page, and to subscribe to receive UFES project updates as construction progresses. You can also e-mail, or call the UFES hotline at 1-650-522-7250.
Basin C Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Work in Basin C began in 2019 and is now complete. Basin C includes areas between J Hart Clinton Drive and Kimberley Way on the eastern side of Highway 101. Work was performed at multiple sites, including within the public right-of-way. Approximately 90 percent of the sites are in easements on private property, including front yards, backyards, and driveways. Work in Basin C Sewer Rehabilitation project upgraded and rehabilitated aging pipes (utilizing trenchless repairs) and manhole covers.
These improvements enable the City to properly operate the system, meet regulatory requirements, and prevent high flows that can cause sewer overflows.
For more information, please visit the our Basin C page or contact project manager Laura Webb, 650-522-7322 or
Basin D Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Work within Basin D, which includes areas south of State Route 92 and southwest of US HWY 101, with a portion extending to the north side of SR 92 (see map), began in September 2019 and is complete. Upgrades and rehabilitation of Basin D will ensure proper sewer operation and reduce infiltration and inflow that can lead to sanitary sewer overflows.
For more information, please visit our Basin D page or contact Project Manager Sarah Pham at 312-375-0502 or
Laurie Meadows and Woodbridge Pump Stations
Work along Laurie Meadows Drive, from 300 feet west of Suzie Street through about 100 feet north on Woodbridge Circle (see map), began in October 2019 and is complete. Abandonment of the existing Laurie Meadows pump station and expansion, upgrade, and rehabilitation of the Woodbridge pump station in Laurie Meadows Park will increase its capacity and reduce potential sewer overflows during storms.
For more information, please visit our Laurie Meadows page or contact project manager Laura Webb, 650-522-7322 or
Dale Avenue Pump Station and Force Main Improvements Project
The Dale Avenue Pump Station and its nearby force mains are currently under construction to replace aging equipment and improve the wastewater collection system. These improvements will enable the City to better manage flows during storms, reduce sewer overflows, and meet regulatory requirements. Ongoing work is localized at the pump station. The overall project is expected to be complete by Fall 2021.
For more information, please visit our Dale Avenue PS page or contact project manager Ben Wright, 415-205-5731 or
El Camino Real Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Construction of the El Camino Real Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project will begin in December 2020. This project is part of the City of San Mateo’s Annual Sewer Rehabilitation Program for the overall wastewater collection system. Improvements to the City’s sewer system will help prevent sewer overflows, as well as help the City comply with regulatory requirements.
The total construction route is approximately 4.3 miles. This project consists of the rehabilitation or replacement of sewer pipeline that varies in size from 6-inch to 18-inch. The project also entails rehabilitation of 79 manholes. Most of the repairs will be spot repairs and lining work, with some segment replacements. The rehabilitation work will be performed at multiple sites within the City streets, including some in high-traffic areas. Mitigation measures will be in place to minimize the effects of the project on residents, businesses, commuters, and others. Notifications will be sent prior to the start of construction to ensure property owners and occupants are well informed about the project and the construction schedule.
For more information, please visit our El Camino Real page or contact Project Manager Sarah Pham at 312-375-0502 or
38th Ave. and 41st Ave. Pump Station Improvements
Work on 38th Ave. and 41st. Ave Pump Stations began in June 2019 and is complete. The upgrades and rehabilitation of the 38th Avenue and 41st Avenue pump stations and associated pipes are key to reducing backups within the collection system. Work on 38th Ave./El Camino Real Pump Station expands the pump station’s capacity to 1,180 gallons per minute (gpm) and work on 41st Ave./Pacific Blvd. Pump Station increases pump station capacity to 1,736 gpm. The work associated with both pump stations included installing a new, submersible pump with associated discharge piping, generator, and a more efficient operating system. These improvements enable the city to meet the peak wet weather flows.
For more information, please visit our 38th and 41st Ave. Pump Stations page or contact project manager Ben Wright at 415-205-5731 or