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Environmental Impact/Permitting – Draft EIR

The Clean Water Program will have a positive impact on our environment by preventing raw sewage from overflowing into San Francisco Bay. As with most infrastructure improvements, there are some temporary nuisance impacts during construction and changes associated with building new facilities. The City conducted an environmental review of the Clean Water Program that addressed potential impacts under the California Environmental Quality act (CEQA) via a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report, that was approved by City Council in June 2016.

As design has progressed, the City continues to review project elements to ensure compliance with CEQA. As part of this review, the City prepared an Environmental Impact Report for the Underground Flow Equalization System Project (formerly called the In-System Storage Facility). Below is information pertaining to the CEQA documentation the City has prepared on behalf of the Program.

Draft Environmental Impact Report

If you previously submitted comments to Heather Waldrop, please kindly re-send them to

The City prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) to review the potential environmental impacts associated with the Underground Flow Equalization System Project (UFES Project). Prior to preparing the Draft EIR, the City conducted a 40-day public scoping effort to solicit comments on the scope of the EIR. The Notice of Preparation was issued on September 7, 2018, and the scoping period ran from September 10, 2018 through October 22, 2018. A copy of the notice can be downloaded here. More information about the UFES Project can be found here.

The Draft EIR is now available for public review and comment. A Notice of Availability was issued in March and can be downloaded here.

A digital copy of the Draft EIR is available for download at the links provided below. Hard copies are available for viewing at the following locations:

  • City Hall, 330 West 20th Avenue
  • San Mateo Main Library, 55 West 3rd Avenue
  • Hillsdale Branch – San Mateo Public Library, 205 W. Hillsdale Boulevard

Public comments on the Draft EIR will be accepted through May 31, 2019. Please send your comments to:

City of San Mateo Public Works Engineering 330 W. 20th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403, Attention: Clean Water Program, or emailed to

Download the entire Draft EIR, or just the individual sections you are interested in: